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   Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FHA Mortgage Activity By State

NOTE-1: We have selected a small sample of our areas for our GUESTs to explore the available reporting facilities.

Select category of mortgage purpose:
      Purchase-Money    Refinance    Both

Select category of lender:
      Include Correspondents Participation "Include correspondent participation" means mortgages originated by a broker or correspondent get counted (no credit given to the sponsor or funder).
      Mortgage Loan Funders only "Funders only" means the sponsor or funder of the mortgage gets counted (no credit given to the correspondent or broker (if any).
      Mortgage Loan Correspondents only "Correspondents only" means provides a report only on correspondent lenders.
      Mortgage Wholesale only "Wholesale only" means provides a report only on Wholesale lenders.

Select the time period during which the mortgage activity closed:    
  Starting  Ending

NOTE-2: As a GUEST, you are granted access to the date range above. Subscribers access current and historical data.

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