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   Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Maintenance and Change History
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 28, 2024
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 26, 2024
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 31, 2024
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 30, 2024
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 26, 2024
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 17, 2024
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 21, 2024
     FHA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 19, 2024
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 26, 2024
     VA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 22, 2024
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied February 1, 2024
     VA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 30, 2024
     VA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 21, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 15, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied December 6, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 17, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied November 1, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied October 26, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 24, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 14, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 10, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied July 21, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 20, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 17, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied July 19, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 21, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 21, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 12, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied May 06, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 22, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied May 01, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied April 27, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied March 22, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 08, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 20, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 19, 2023
     VA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied January 03, 2023
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 14, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 16, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 15, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 15, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 12, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 15, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 9, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 3, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August2, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 20, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied July 19, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 18, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied July 17, 2022
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 16, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 19, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 18, 2022
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied May 11, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 13, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 12, 2022
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 23, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 22, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (Janaury data) Applied March 21, 2022
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied February 24, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 18, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 17, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 19, 2022
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 14, 2022
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 12, 2022
     VA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 14, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 13, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 13, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied December 10, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied December 09, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 09, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied December 08, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied December 07, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 07, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied December 07, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied December 07, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 06, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied December 06, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied December 03, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied August 09, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 09, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 07, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 02, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 13, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 12, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 11, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 13, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 11, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied April 29, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 5, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 2, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 30, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (Janaury data) Applied March 11, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (Janaury data) Applied March 9, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 1, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 5, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 3, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied February 1, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 13, 2021
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 8, 2021
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 5, 2021
     VA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 21, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 15, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 1, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 25, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 6, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 29, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 20, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 16, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied September 30, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 23, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 10, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied September 3, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 20, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 19, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 29, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 20, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 8, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 30, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 17, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 8, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 02, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 11, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 7, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied April 29, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied April 19, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 15, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 31, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 16, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 13, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 02, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 13, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 10, 2020
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 22, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 17, 2020
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 16, 2020
     VA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 13, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 09, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 03, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 25, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 19, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 29, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 22, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 15, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 01, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 06, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 05, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied August 30, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 28, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 20, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied August 1, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 12, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 11, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 2, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 20, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied May 30, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 28, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 22, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied April 30, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 26, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 24, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied April 01, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (Janaury data) Applied March 20, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (Janaury data) Applied March 18, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 01, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 12, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied February 08, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 01, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 29, 2019
     VA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 25, 2019
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 4, 2019
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 19, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 17, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied November 29, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 27, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 16, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 30, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 19, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 17, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 04, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 28, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 19, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied August 29, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 17, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 15, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 31, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 18, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 17, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 3, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 13, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied May 30, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 15, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 14, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied May 01, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 23, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 20, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied April 03, 2018
     FHA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 20, 2018
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 15, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 02, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 31, 2018
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 6, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 31, 2017
     HMDA 2016 now published Applied Oct. 17, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 31, 2017
     VA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied July 05, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (May data) Applied June 30, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 29, 2017
     VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 12, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 09, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 01, 2017
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 11, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 08, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied May 05, 2017
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 21, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 20, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 30, 2017
     VA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 21, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (January data) Applied March 10, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 06, 2017
     VA updated with new transactions (October through December data) Applied March 03, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (December data) Applied February 10, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 31, 2017
     FHA updated with new transactions (November data) Applied January 13, 2017
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 30, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (October data) Applied December 08, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied November 29, 2016
     VA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 14, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (September data) Applied November 10, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 31, 2016
     HMDA 2015 now published Applied Oct. 24, 2016
     VA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 12, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (August data) Applied October 06, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied September 30, 2016
     VA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 29, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (July data) Applied September 15, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied September 06, 2016
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (June data) Applied August 04, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied August 01, 2016
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied July 14, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 01, 2016
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (April data) Applied June 09, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 02, 2016
     VA updated with new transactions (March data) Applied May 16, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (March 2016 data) Applied May 10, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied April 29, 2016
     VA updated with new transactions (February data) Applied April 18, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (February 2016 data) Applied April 12, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 29, 2016
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (January 2016 data) Applied March 08, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied March 01, 2016
     VA updated with new transactions (December 2015 data) Applied February 17, 2016
     FHA updated with new transactions (December 2015 data) Applied February 09, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied February 02, 2016
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (November 2015 data) Applied January 12, 2016
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied January 04, 2016
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (October 2015 data) Applied December 08, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied December 02, 2015
     FHA & VA updated with new transactions (September 2015 data) Applied November 18, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied October 29, 2015
     HMDA 2014 now published Applied Oct. 19, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (August 2015 data) Applied October 06, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (August 2015 data) Applied October 05, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied September 29, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (July 2015 data) Applied September 16, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (July 2015 data) Applied September 12, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied September 5, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (June 2015 data) Applied August 12, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (June 2015 data) Applied August 11, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied August 5, 2015
     FHA and VA updated with new transactions (May 2015 data) Applied July 07, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 1, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (April 2015 data) Applied June 09, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (April 2015 data) Applied June 03, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 2, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (March 2015 data) Applied May 12, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (March 2015 data) Applied May 08, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Apr 30, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (February 2015 data) Applied Apr. 21, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (February 2015 data) Applied Apr. 21, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Mar 31, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (January 2015 data) Applied Mar. 18, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (January 2015 data) Applied Mar. 5, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Mar 3, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (December 2014 data) Applied Feb. 3, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (December 2014 data) Applied Jan. 30, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Jan 29, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (November 2014 data) Applied Jan. 20, 2015
     VA updated with new transactions (November 2014 data) Applied Jan. 7, 2015
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Jan 6, 2015
     FHA updated with new transactions (October 2014 data) Applied Dec. 23, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (October 2014 data) Applied Dec. 4, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Dec. 2, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (September 2014 data) Applied Nov. 21, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (September 2014 data) Applied Nov. 3, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Oct.29, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (August 2014 data) Applied Oct. 21, 2014
     HMDA 2013 now published Applied Oct. 08, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (August 2014 data) Applied Oct. 3, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Oct. 2, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (July 2014 data) Applied Sep. 18, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (July 2014 data) Applied Sep.12, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Aug. 29, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (June 2014 data) Applied Aug. 27, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (June 2014 data) Applied Aug.6, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Aug. 5, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (May 2014 data) Applied July 24, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (May 2014 data) Applied Jul 3, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Jul. 1, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (April 2014 data) Applied June 20, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (April 2014 data) Applied Jun 3, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Jun 1, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (March 2014 data) Applied May 20, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (March 2014 data) Applied May 14, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied May 5, 2014
     FHA and VA updated with new transactions (February 2014 data) Applied Apr. 11, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Mar. 31, 2014
     FHA and VA updated with new transactions (January 2014 data) Applied Mar. 10, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Mar. 4, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (December 2013 data) Applied Feb. 13, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions (December 2013 data) Applied Feb. 11, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Feb. 4, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (November 2013 data) Applied Jan. 14, 2014
     VA updated with new transactions Applied Jan. 13, 2014
     FHA updated with new transactions (September, October 2013 data) Applied Jan. 8, 2014
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Dec. 30, 2013
     VA updated with new transactions Applied Dec. 4, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Dec. 2, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Oct 28, 2013
     HMDA 2012 now published Applied Oct. 21, 2013
     FHA and VA updated with new transactions Applied Sept. 28, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Sept. 28, 2013
     VA updated with new transactions Applied Sept. 18, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied Aug 31, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 27, 2013
     FHA and VA updated with new transactions Applied July 2, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied July 1, 2013
     FHA and VA updated with new transactions Applied June 7, 2013
     Conventional database updated with new REFI and PURCHASE transactions Applied June 3, 2013
Problem History
   A problem was discovered with part of our raw data we receive for VA mortgages. Problem discovered April 9, 2008 (CORRECTED 4/21/2008)
Problem Description

This VA data problem appears to have been first introduced in June 2007: the amount of the mortgage is unreasonably small. As far as we can tell, the other data elements are correct. For example, number of mortgages attributable to a lender is correct but market share and ranking which are both based on the amount of the mortgage are incorrect as of June 2007. We are working with our data source to fix this problem.
Problem corrected April 21, 2008

   Market share was not calculated correctly on the MDW100 conventional reports. Market share was overstated. Problem corrected March 21, 2008
Problem Description

Market share was not calculated correctly on the MDW100 conventional reports. Market share was overstated. This was corrected as of the database update March 21, 2008.

   A problem classifying mortgages as Jumbo was found and fixed. Problem discovered March 12, 2008
Problem Description

Some mortgages in calendar year 2005 and 2006 were classified as Jumbo incorrectly. This was corrected in the database as soon as it was discovered.

   You click "Create Report (PDF)" button and you get a Server Error with message: "this field name is not known" Problem reported June 19, 2007
Problem Description

This results when there is no data for the report. Whatever choices were made for the report (e.g. geographic area, start date, end date, etc.) resulted in a database query that found nothing meeting that criteria. Rather than returning a message such as "no records found", this new reporting facility for PDFs returns an ugly error message. We are working on a better solution to this issue.

Click the "back" button on your browser and examine the parameters for the report closely. Often this is simply a matter of an invalid date range or a date range for which there is simply no data. Try changing the parameters and requesting another report. Another technique you can use is to try the same parameters but click the "Create report (HTML)" button. If the HTML style report returns "no records found" then there are in fact no records found for that set of parameters.