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MortgageDataWeb100 - Top 100 Lenders
FHA Government-Insured Correspondents Mortgages
Period: January 2017 Through December 2017 Report Date: Monday, December 21, 2020
Rank Lender Name Number Mortgages Total $ Amount($000) Market Share Average Mortgage Number Purchase Total Purchase($000) Number Refinance Total Refinance($000)
1 LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, CORAL GABLES, FL 13,550 3,213,812 52.98% 237,000 13,550 3,213,812 0 0
2 MERIDIAN HOME MORTGAGE, HAMPSTEAD, MD 1,987 446,572 7.36% 224,000 1,987 446,572 0 0
3 UNIVERSAL AMERICAN MTG, ROSEVILLE, CA 976 312,480 5.15% 320,000 976 312,480 0 0
4 ALASKA USA MORTGAGE INC, ANCHORAGE 529 136,552 2.25% 258,000 529 136,552 0 0
5 MORRISON HOME FUNDING LLC, MAITLAND, FL 499 135,123 2.23% 270,000 499 135,123 0 0

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